Wednesday 7 November 2007

Thats enough of me feeling bad

My Blogs not all about DOOM and GLOOM... Its a way of me expressing how I feel and making myself feel better about things...

Its also maybe another way to try and meet other people out there who are possibly sharing the same problems as I am..

A problem shared is a problem halved.. OR is a problem shared a problem doubled????

Its no fun being in Limboland

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like. To never of had an illness, or at the very least be like normal people. I'm by no means trying to gain sympathy here because I know thousands of other people are far more ill than I "make out" to be.

The problem with me?

Well I don't know where to start! From early childhood i've been poorly. Whooping cough in a very bad way when I was about 5 and numerous upper respiratory infections. The doctor diagnosed me with Asthma when I was literally growing out of it. By that time I had endured years of being shouted at by the P.E. teacher when I was rolling around on the grass pitch gasping for breath... Being called an idiot, a performer, someone who was attention seeking... The reality of it was, I was finding it tough to breath and with no medical assistance I suffered really quite badly.

Having grown out of Asthma and only suffering with it mildly when I get a cold, I literally moved on to severe bouts of tonsillitis and more upper respiratory infections. A sore throat would always develop into bronchitis, pleurisy or a mild case of pneumonia.

The throat infections got worse and steroids and countless courses of antibiotics with nebulisers took over. Eventually after probably 100 bouts of tonsillitis they were removed in my mid 20's.

I doubt very much that all of the drugs that given to me did not leave me with side effects and even worse long term medical problems.

The reality of it is today that I am now in limboland. Having suffered several bouts of "strange weird neurological problems" being diagnosed with M.E. and Fibromyalgia, I am now having further tests to determine whether I have A.N. Other autoimmune disorder.

The problem is, my body just doesn't want to let its secret out... I keep telling myself i'm a fraud and its all in my head, but then the symptoms come back again and again. Surely its not all in my head???